Friday, June 15, 2007

The Long Walk

What are friends for anyway? They are for calling up when you’re walking in the ditch down the side of an industrial road on your way to Wall-Mart while your vehicle is at Fountain Tire getting the tires changed. Thanks, S! So, my cel phone bill will probably be huge. Ah well. It was nice to talk to someone all that way. It took me 45 minutes to walk a distance that normally would take 7 minutes to drive. Fountain Tire said it’d be a 3 hour wait for my van (no, they don’t take appointments) and we (and by we I mean Adrian) couldn’t get it together for him to meet me at Fountain Tire so I wouldn’t HAVE to wait for 3 hours.

I can’t stand waiting in auto fix-it waiting rooms. They’re so depressing. I even brought a book but didn’t feel like reading it. (The Girls by the way has been a little slow going for me.) The teachers at our home school program asked some parents to write down our (hopefully positive) experiences with the program. They’re having a meeting with the Education Board regarding its viability. So, I did take the first half hour of my 3 hour vigil to write down some things, and then got the bright idea of walking to Wal-Mart for a notebook. It’s not that far, I thought. Well, it was. And trudging down a road in an industrial area does not a lovely afternoon walk make. There were semi trucks and trailers, speeding pick-ups with dust flying in my face, dead birds on the road (okay there was only one dead bird, but still!), and a train. And it was hot. And I was sweating. But I did make it to Wall-Mart, and I bought a notebook. I turned around and headed back down the dusty road with the 45 minute walk stretching out before me. I was pretty fatigued at that point. (No, I’m not in good shape, okay?!) S had to get off the phone and go to work. Then Fountain Tire called. Guess what? My van was done early. Great. I was still a 30 minute walk away. Figures. They say it’ll take 3 hours, but it turned out to be only 2, and I went on The Long Walk for an hour and a half of it. I decided to call on my friend, G. We had a nice talk. Laughed. I’m freaking hilarious when I'm all grimy after an hour of walking. Then G had to hang up. At least I could see the Fountain Tire sign ahead. It was wavering like a mirage. Hanging in the air in the distance. I was getting close. I knew I would make it….Okay, I am dramatizing a bit now. But it was nice to see my van finally. I drove home to type up what I wrote for the school on my computer. I never did use that notebook.


Jodi said...

That's hysterical, Debbie!! Hmm... I think next time you may think twice before wandering away from the auto fix-it waiting room, won't you?!?

Have a great weekend.

AfKaP said...

How awful for you! Waiting is really tough!

Portrait of Peter said...

Debbie, just think of the poetic thoughts - whilst you were merrily walking down that track!!

Only joking, with a walk of that distance I think I would rather have endured the waiting area.

My car was in for a service on Tuesday and they collected the vehicle and returned it to me later in the afternoon.

Do they not have a similar set-up where you live?

Debbie said...

Jodi - Yes. Yes, I will. :)

PurpleWorms - I've never been a good waiter.

Peter - You're funny! Some mechanic's places do have that service here. Not this place. And yes, I've learned my lesson. Next I'll just wait. :) Or go somewhere different.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you got a lot of exercise. If you keep walking like that, you will be in good shape. I was calling to see if you wanted to go shopping with me. I was going to drive. It would have filled up 3 hours very well. I will have to get your cell number and you mine.

Debbie said...

Dawn - Darn it!! I'm sorry I missed you! Ah well. :) I'll email you my cel number.

Anonymous said...

If anything, the walk didn't hurt you. I used to like taking long walks and still do. I'd put on my music and just go. When we lived in Bruderhiem, the "block" was the highway block and it was 12kms. That was a nice walk. You sure get a lot of thinking in when you are walking.

Anonymous said...

LOL ok I shouldn't be laughing but I bet you were so relieved to be able to DRIVE home LOL

Debbie said...

Sirdar - I'm sure the walk was very helpful. Thanks. ;)

Joy - Yes I was!!

Anonymous said...

Debbie, "The Long Walk" was the inspiration for my poem called "I Dreamed"...

Your wonderful photo - brought the flow of words as I gazed along the trail - just thought I should let you know and Thank you for such inspiration.