Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thanks for the support!

Thanks to everyone for your thoughtful comments to yesterday’s posting. I have the best blogging friends. I really appreciate you guys!

Heather, thanks for empathizing so well with me. I’d also say that I’m happy. Some days I feel low, but for the most part, I feel quite cheerful. I guess I just don’t laugh out loud a lot. I don’t know. I have great laughs with my friends. The other day I was talking to my friend, G, and I had the best laugh. She’s hilarious – she always gets me going. When it comes to daily life, though, sometimes I just go through the motions. It almost feels like I’m a director. I set up the scene for my kids, and then say, “go have fun”. Then I stand back and watch.

PortraitofPeter – I appreciate your comment because it reminds me that sometimes a remark is just a remark. In the moment, I probably did look quite serious to my daughter. Her darn shoes are sometimes hard to get on!! And thank-you for your compliments on my photos. I don’t know the song, “Always look on the bright side of life”, but I’ll look out for it.

Jane – As usual, you give great advice. I do try to do stuff for me. Before the resent teacher’s strike, I regularly met with friends for lunch on the Tuesday/Thursday the kids are in school. I would like to join a class, though. Something to educate myself in a way that’s not related to homeschooling. Digital photography, writing, cooking, or even painting are a few that I’ve been thinking about lately. Actually, I’d love to join a theatre group, but I’m a little…nervous. No - terrified is a better word! And thank-you for the invite. I’d love to join you guys sometime.

Thanks so much for the babysitting offer, Sirdar. I have thought about your daughter,etc. as a potential babysitter. ;) I’m fortunate in that my mom is usually available for us.

My4Kids – Some of my best lessons in life and mommy-hood have come from children. :)

Now, I’ll repeat Joy’s sentiment: Here's to more laughter in people's lives!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you thought the advice was great and you didn't mind it. I'm not great with getting advice like that unless I ask for it so that's why I never gave any. Well that and I think everyone is so different when it comes to stuff like this.

The way of the world is putting 'us' first and the kids second. In the T family we have always put the kids first no matter what. And here I am 43 years old and know who I am and have not been lost. Maybe I'm one of the stubborn ones who refused to get lost. I'll let you know in ten years if it hurt the kids putting them first all the time.

Personally I have no idea, to me there's no right or wrong on this subject. But I DO think you'll do a great job laughing more :o)

Portrait of Peter said...

Delighted you have found all the comments from your "sincere blogging friends" - helpful.

I liked the part when you say "Her darn shoes are sometimes hard to get on".

You have not see my attempts at putting my own shoes on!! My facial expressions must be ideal for any horror movie!!

Manufactures should really consider 'simplified' versions.

Blessings from the 'howling wind' of a Scottish evening.

Anonymous said...

You can come and do some drama with me - I only usually do the one show a year but our group puts on 3 shows a year and there's always room for newbies!

I'm totally in the same shoes as you right now - I don't really do much for myself and everything revolves around the kids. I've been trying to change that but I guess I just need to make it a priority!

Jane said...

Joy I disagree...I don't think its about putting 'us' first at all...I've never seen the world in that way....I think its a question of balance......for kids to be happy they need Mom to be happy - they need to see her being happy and doing things for herself as well as for them........I don't think any parent should be selfish and put themselves first always...but I don't think it does anyone any good if Mom always comes last either.....I was in an unhappy marriage for a long while where I put myself last all the time and I learned the hard way!! Now I know life is just too short to live that way so I refuse to - and I notice the benefits it has brought to my whole family now that I put myself first sometimes too! I don't want to wait for my children to leave home before I start living.....(geez I would be at least 49!!!) I've learned that you can do both now....

Debbie - I think you should go for the drama - I think that would be wonderful and so much fun!!! Think how great you will feel if you go for it and face that fear! I bet it would be great fun!!! And your family can come and watch you :) Wonderful!

The photography would be good too - the city has so many great already have the raw talent!

Anonymous said...

LOL how did I know something would be said LOL

What it comes down to Debbie is I hope you find what you need for YOU. I stand by what I said. There is no right or wrong, only what works for you :o)

Debbie said...

I think it comes down to how people re-energize themselves. Some people need to be around other people, get out of the house, occupy their mind, exercise, or whatever. Other people need to be by themselves with a book, bath, great tv show, sleep, etc. But whatever you need to do then just do it. Take of yourself and be happy, right?

I think I'm doing that for the most part. My life's not perfect but it is pretty darn good.

You know what the biggest thing is for me? Nutrition!!! If I'm not eating right, then I don't have energy to get in there and play with the kids.

Joy - I don't mind some advice. I take what I want and leave the rest. It IS a little difficult in this setting because it's difficult to clarify yourself. Sometimes I write something in the heat of the moment or don't explain myself clearly and then you all (who've never met me) get an impression that might not be accurate. Not that that matters. It's MY life after all. But from my previous post you could get the idea that I'm a miserable hag when I'm not! I'm just a normal mom. I know because many other moms I know talk the same way I do. If someone out there is cheerful all of the time, laughs up a storm, and has the perfect marriage then good for them, I say. If they have advice to give then I'll listen because I always want to learn and improve. But just because they give the advice doesn't mean they're right. I'm getting to know me better. In the end I WILL do what I think is right for ME. :)

Debbie said...

Wow! That was long. I didn't notice until it was posted. ;)

Robyn - I'd be interested in checking your group out. When and where do you meet? Even as I type this my palms are getting sweaty! Why the heck am I so nervous? :}

Portrait of Peter said...

Hi Debbie,

If you go to this site - you can hear the song

"Always look on the bright side of life".

Hope you enjoy - when I anything goes wrong - this song always comes to mind - brings a smile to my face every time.


Anonymous said...

It's the Leduc Drama Society - we've got a website (not that great yet) at We have a building over near Telford Lake in Leduc. We're in rehearsals for our last production right now (I'll send you details about performances soon!). We don't do anything for the summer. Our AGM is usually mid-September, we have a traveling dinner theatre/fall production that runs October-December, a winter production (usually a comedy or mystery) in late Feb/early March and then a spring musical (this is the one that I get involved with) in May. Rehearsals for all of the shows are usually twice a week - one weeknight and then usually Sunday afternoons but it depends on the showI can send you information on auditions when they come out if you would like!