Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Joy gave me this Balancing Your Life meme oh so long ago. I’m sorry it took me so long to get to. It’s interesting what she said in her post:

“I'd love to know how a homeschooling mom balances her life. Or does she? She SEEMS to have everything together, but is finding balance in life a chore like it is for everyone else?”

I seem to have everything together? Really? Huh. While it’s true that I don’t post all of my heartaches on here, I always strive to be truthful. In fact, one thing my neighbour keeps telling me is that I’m sooo hard on myself on here. I don’t agree. I think I’m honest. But that comes down to perception, I guess.

So, yup. Finding balance is a chore. Or a journey…

How do you achieve balance in your life?
I talk with friends quite often about this word/topic. I have to admit that I haven’t achieved balance…yet. I talk about it, though, so that’s a start. I struggled writing this piece because the word balance can actually be quite deep. It can mean a balance of time: work time vs. family time vs. me time. In my opinion, though, balance is more on a soul level. The whole mind/body/spirit thing. Taking care of each of those aspects is important to keep balance.

Mind, Body, Spirit in Perfect Harmony

My mind – At times I feel like I’m losing it! My memory sucks for one thing. I’m reading more now, though. And, actually, I find homeschooling helps in this department because I’m learning so much through teaching the kids.

My Body – Well. There is always room for improvement in this department. I just don’t have the willpower to stay on a decent eating plan for long. With the arrival of spring, though, I am becoming more active. Playing outside with the kids, walks, and bike rides all add to my feeling of being uplifted during the day. When I’m eating right and getting a bit of exercise balance comes more easily. Everything seems to fall into place.

Spiritually – This one has been a real journey for me during the last ten years. God was a word that I never used to embrace. Universal Power was what I would say. Then a couple of years ago I had my own spiritual awakening. God is in my life now, but beyond that I’m still searching.

What is your biggest challenge in balancing your life?
I “should” on myself a lot. I should meditate more. I should exercise. I should eat better. I should join that class. We should get together sometime. I should give her a call. I should read that book some time. I should mail that card/parcel.

The problem with “shoulding” on myself is that trust becomes an issue. If I don’t come through for myself how can I trust that I ever will?

What are your priorities?
My family is my main priority, and I’m included in that.

Raising my kids to the best of my ability is, of course, important. We’re training them to be adults in this world. It’s what I think about most of the time.

My marriage is another priority. The kids aren’t going to be with us forever, and I want to have a great relationship with this man so that we can enjoy the rest of our lives together. Sound corny? Well, it is. Truthfully, we have some work to do, but we’ll do it.

How have your priorities changed over time and why?
Ten years ago, my top priority was me. And getting married. Finding a nice house. And so on. Now, of course, it’s my family.

What advice can you share to help all of us balance our own lives?
Well, since I haven’t achieved a real balance in my own life I can’t really dole out any advice.

I will say this, though. Speak positively. I am in the process of learning and applying this lesson, and it takes work to change the habit of talking "down". Not just about myself, but in general. We’ve all been around those people who have nothing positive to say. How much fun is it to be around them?

I’m not saying that we can’t ever express our sadness or anger, but our words have power. It’s amazing the shift in my heart that comes when I say something that has positive energy as opposed to negative energy.

That's why I started writing in my Gratitude Attitude blog. Positive energy. We have to create it for ourselves.

As for tagging someone.

Steffi at Mausbär´s - Nähkiste - I would just love to know more about her. Does crafting provide her a kind of meditation or food for the soul?

Terri at My 4 Kids - Although she has 4 kids and I have 2, she lives in the states and I'm in Canada, I feel like I have a lot in common with her. When I read her blog, I find myself nodding my head a lot in agreement. So, does she struggle with balance like I do, or has she got it figured out?

Peter at Portrait of Peter - Joy tagged him already, but that's okay. I'd love a guy's perspective. A beautiful poet he certainly seems balanced. How does he do it?

Obviously, don't feel obligated to do this exercise. Only do it if you're interested. Saying 'no' at times also contributes to being balanced. :)


my4kids said...

Thanks for tagging me...At the beggining of this I was thinking "oh I hope I don't get tagged for this"...Its a good thing though I will do it! I'm not so balanced though but I obviously have to be semi or else....hmmm....I might be more crazy then I am already with 4 kids. I will get it done though it may be a few days or so to do it.

Debbie said...

That's hilarious, Terri!

Agian, please don't sweat about it. Unless you want to. :)

Anonymous said...

I have read so many of these now and I'm fascinated and amazed at how different people are in finding their own balance in life. Your answers are great Debbie. I hope you continue to find what you're looking for.

Portrait of Peter said...

Mystical and charming with deep thoughtful expression throughout is what I have read in this beautiful posting.

Wise in spiritual presence and yet the yearning is still there - hence the searching!!

Your photo's show a "togetherness" that describes your love of your family and wise words of your children's future too.

I do agree the "Should" has a 'guilt' that I find often because I "should" sometimes is not achieved - hence the guilt.

Thank you for including me 'I will have to give this careful consideration'.

Also you 'deeply touching' comments too!!

However, my 'tummy' aches from so much laughter at a photo I saw "this-is-one-for-you-people" 2006-10. Even visual thoughts now hurt my poor tummy!!

Have a good day and thank you so much for sharing this 'deeply thoughtful' post with us all.

Heather said...

Great answers Debbie. I agree with you on the Mind, Body, Spirit thing..I think whe anyone focuses on the good stuff, happy things, postive energy it will make you a magnet for more great things....good post!

Steffi said...

Great answers,Debbie!I enjoyed to read it!

Portrait of Peter said...

Debbie, I hope to do this over the weekend.

However, it all depends if I can stop laughing!!!

Your photo on the quad - has me in tears!!!

Portrait of Peter said...

Debbie, I have completed my "Balance" tag and placed on site today (Monday). Look forward to your comments, I know I was lacking but it was an attempt at what is an intriguing topic!!

I shall of course be forwarding you with the bill!!! Start saving!!