Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Like the corners of my mind.
Misty water-colored memories,
Of the way we werrrre... " Barbra Streisand

Sometimes, when the kids are doing something, I feel so nostalgic it’s almost palpable. It’s when the littlest things happen, too.

Yesterday, after our home-school program, ds was asking to go to his friend, L’s, house for awhile. Their other friend, C, was asking to go as well. The question was just sprung on us moms so we were standing around discussing whether they should go or not. We live about a half hour away from the school so it’s kind of a logistical thing if ds gets to go. At one point, the three boys were hopping around and saying “Please! Please! Ohhhhh, pleeeeeease!” Then they cheered profusely when we said yes. Man, I remember doing that when I was a kid. The memory of my friends and I actually begging on our knees for a sleepover just came over me in that moment.

It happened again in the evening when dd settled in to watch Frosty the Snowman on tv. When it came on (we recorded it from a couple of nights ago) she jumped up and cried “It’s Frosty!”, and then snuggled down in earnest to watch. Again - I loved the Christmas specials when I was a kid. I recall doing just what she did.

I don’t know why this thrills me. It’s occured before, and in the moment I’ll say to another mom, “Wow! I remember doing that as a kid.” They look at me like they’re thinking, “Well, good for you.”

At any rate, I love it when it happens. I have some great memories from my childhood, and it’s like I get to re-live them again.


Sirdar said...

Oh to have young kids again. They don't get that excited anymore but they do show it in other ways. Enjoy that innocence!!

Anonymous said...

I find as the kids get older I do it more and more now. If my son gives me a look like he did when he was little I sit and smile at him. Of course it freaks him out a little but whatever :o) I really notice how much I think back to when they were young when my oldest comes home to visit. She'll sit in the kitchen chair with her legs over the side watching tv and she's done that since she was teeny tiny. I'll sit there watching her and wonder if she'll do the same thing when she comes to visit at 30. They really do grow up much too fast.