Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cirque Du Soleil - Delirium

I absolutely loved Cirque du Soleil. We had marvellous seats – thank-you thank-you , EMS!!

The special effects were amazing. On either side of the rectangular shaped stage there were HUGE screens. According to a review I read they were the equivalent of four IMAX screens. Sometimes they showed close-ups of the performers and other times there was video to support the main story. There was also this enormous see-through curtain that was pulled in front of the stage that showed images. For instance, there was a part of the show that was supposed to be an underwater world. So, on this curtain it had the illusion of water filling to the top so that the performers looked like they were underwater:

So, cool. This LINK shows the stage with the curtain pulled across in front of the performers. It has geometric graphics displayed all over.

Then, of course, the best part of the show was the acrobatic acts. A woman spinning (gosh, I think there were 6) hula-hoops around various parts of her body at once.

This man is doing an amazing hand balancing act.

This LINK shows him closer up.

There were many other unbelievable acts as well like this one above.

The music reverberated through me and was quite tribal.

I hope to go again sometime. I know that my words don’t do the show justice, but I would definitely recommend going. Click on this WEBSITE. Wait a second for the clip to appear at the top right and then click on the preview to view. It's a wonderful glimpse of the show.


Anonymous said...

The pictures were very pretty

Anonymous said...

That looks like it would have been a awesome show. I didn't even hear they were coming to Edmonton. I'll be looking out for it next time.