Friday, September 22, 2006

Math Again

We had another math day because we’re playing catch-up since we had a slow start.

Teaching ds today was pretty rewarding. I actually felt like I taught him something. That may sound funny seeing that we homeschool. Don’t I teach him something everyday? Truthfully, some days I’m not so sure. Ds was learning about odd and even numbers. I know that he didn’t understand the concept going into the lesson, and afterwards he did. He got it. It was fun. I could see the light turn on, and it did quickly. He really is quite easy to teach when you get passed the attitude.

I might turn to Math-U See for dd's lessons right now. We used it for ds last year and I have the Primer book for dd. I like how MUS introduces numbers and addition, and I love the DVD's. Ds really responded well to them. We are using Distance Learning this year, and while it's very thorough I find some of it tedious. There are some great activities which ds and dd enjoy, but sometimes it just beats a concept to death. All right! We get it already. Anyway, I think we'll use a bit of both. For the addition/subtraction concepts we'll use MUS, and for the rest of the stuff we'll use DistanceLearning. That's my plan at this point anyway!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

math well take you everywere
